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List of Perennial Grass Seeds

Perennial grass seed, when sown correctly and provided with adequate growing conditions, return year after year.Because of their constant presence, perennial grasses help prevent soil erosion. Whether you sow perennial seed for a lawn or pasture, there are many varieties from which to choose. Cool season, warm season, bunching, rhizomatous or a mixture of these types provides lawn and slope coverage that is both ornamentally pleasing and practical.
  1. Perennial Rye Grass

    • Perennial rye grass (Lolium perenne) seed, because of its cold tolerance, compensates for dormant Bermuda grass and other warm season grasses during the winter months, and for this reason it is frequently used in grass seed mixes. Its bunch growth habit withstands high traffic; and though perennial rye grass cannot tolerate heat, it can withstand occasional drought-like conditions.

    Kentucky Bluegrass

    • Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) is a cold-tolerant perennial grass. The seed germinates and grows well in fall and spring, but growth subsides in the summer heat. In certain climates -- such as California -- where temperatures are hot, Kentucky bluegrass is not a recommended ground cover. Kentucky bluegrass likes sun while perennial rye does well in shade. Seed companies sell Kentucky bluegrass and perennial rye grass mixes since their attributes complement one another. Seeding your lawn with both allows for better grass development throughout your growing zone.


    • Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) is a drought-resistant, cool weather perennial grass found in pastures and fields. Sow orchardgrass seed with the drilling method as part of a legume and grass mix. Drill holes in the seeding area with a grain or similar type drill. Once the seeds are in place, lightly roll over and tamp down the topsoil to ensure maximum seed-to-soil contact. Such contact improves grass uniformity.


    • Rhizomatous grasses spread via seed but also through root extensions. Grasses that spread in this manner are often used for sod and plugs rather than sown from seed. Still, some varieties, such as switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), are sown via seed. Switchgrass is a warm weather perennial grass that is valued for its ability to grow throughout the summer. Cool season grasses are normally dormant during this period. Switchgrass is used in pastureland, but its clumping nature, coupled with its height, makes it an attractive ornamental grass for low-water landscapes.

    Other Grasses

    • When combined with perennial rye and Kentucky bluegrass, fescue (Festuca) grass mixes create a lawn capable of adapting to a variety of conditions, seasons and climates. Fescue grass is commonly used in California and other regions marked by hot, dry summer weather. Warm season pasture grasses, such as Big bluestem (Andropogon gerardi), Indian grass (Sorgastrum nutans L.), Eastern gama grass (Tripsacum dactyloides) and side oats grama grass (Schizachyrium scoparium), are native to the North American plains and reach heights up to 3 feet. They are capable of withstanding periods of drought, making them suitable for dry landscape plantings.