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How to Plant a Terraced Garden

If a portion of your yard is on a hill, keeping it mowed is likely difficult. Planting low-growing ground cover is one option for low-maintenance upkeep. However, if you want something that looks nicer, terrace the slope and make several small gardens. In a step-like terrace arrangement, landscaping timbers help keep the soil in place and form the steps of the terrace.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Landscaping timbers
  • Soil
  • Plants
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    • 1

      Start at the top of the slope and dig straight down to form the first terrace. Make a flat wall 2 to 3 feet high.

    • 2

      Stack up the landscaping timbers against the wall to help hold the soil in place. Make sure they fit tightly up against the soil for the best results.

    • 3

      Level out the soil that is perpendicular to the wall for your planting area. Level the floor of the step outward about 3 feet.

    • 4

      Place landscaping timbers along the front and the sides of the level land to give the terrace shape and to help hold the back landscaping timbers in place. Make these sections only two or three timbers high.

    • 5

      Fill the terrace with soil so that it is flush with the top of the landscaping timbers. Continue making terrace steps in the same manner to the bottom of the slope.

    • 6

      Place the plants on the different steps of the terrace until you like the look and know that none of the plants are blocked from the sun. Plant taller plants at the top of the terrace so they do not block your vision of the shorter ones. Choose trailing plants for the bottom terrace level that will drape over the edges of the timbers once they are fully mature. Choose different plants in different colors for each terrace step.

    • 7

      Dig planting holes for each plant, one at a time, starting at the top of the terrace.

    • 8

      Squeeze the pot and gently shake it to remove the plant from the pot. Place the plant in the hole so that the first set of leaves are just above the soil line. Cover the roots with soil.

    • 9

      Water the plants from the top down once you plant them all. Give the plants about 2 inches of water per week. Check the top terrace regularly as it will dry out quicker than the bottom levels since it is at the top of the slope.