Home Garden

The Best Mosquito Repellent Plants

Most people want to take advantage of the summer weather and spend more time outdoors. However, mosquitoes can quickly put a damper on any summer's activity, especially for those living or playing around bodies of water. These pesky pests are not only a terrible itchy nuisance. They can also carry diseases. While mosquito repellent spray or mosquito candles or lanterns can help to keep these bugs at bay temporarily, planting mosquito-repelling plants can offer homes a more permanent solution.
  1. Citronella Grass

    • Mosquito candles are often made with citronella oil. Citronella oil comes from citronella grass, a tropical plant that grows up to 6 feet tall. While this is one of the more effective mosquito-repelling plants, it may not be a practical plant for backyards and homes due to its massive size.


    • Catnip is an herb used to stuff cat toys. As a garden plant, it is generally easy to care for and is highly effective at repelling mosquitoes. In addition, you can also dry and crush the catnip leaves, settle them in olive oil and use the mixture as a natural mosquito repellent for the skin.


    • Rosemary is not only a tasty cooking spice. Its scent and oil can help to repel mosquitoes quite effectively. Rosemary can't survive in cold weather, however, so it is better to grow this plant in a pot and move it indoors in the winter.


    • Marigolds give off a strong scent that many insects, including the mosquito, find repulsive. They are bright flowers with colors that range from yellow to dark red, so they can add a splash of summer flair to your garden. It may be a good idea to seek out a fully grown marigold and see if you can handle the scent. Some humans are as repulsed by their smell as the mosquitoes are.