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The Best Conditions for Growing Grass

Growing a perfect lawn is all about getting the conditions optimal. The best balances of nutrients, watering and mowing can determine the quality of any kind of grass.
  1. Soil Conditions

    • The soil holds all the nutrients grass needs to survive.

      A soil pH of 6.5 is the best for growing a wide variety of grasses. Nitrogen is vital to the growth of a high quality lawn. It must be applied in conjunction with other nutrients such as phosphorus, potassium, iron and sulfur. A soil pH test is the best way to determine the soil's current nutrient state.

    Water Conditions

    • Take care not to overwater or underwater the lawn.

      A lawn should be watered until the roots of the grass are saturated. It should be applied in small doses so as not to cause surface pooling. This can be done by watering the lawn in two stages roughly an hour apart instead of one initial drenching. The lawn should not be left to become drought stricken as this will only damage the grass. Watering is best done in early morning or late evening.

    Mowing Conditions

    • Leave clippings on the lawn to return nutrients to the grass.

      Lawns should be mown to around 2 to 3 inches high; always avoid removing more than a third of the height of the grass in a single mowing. Most lawns require mowing every three or four days during spring and every 7 to 10 days during times of slow growth.