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Will Peat Moss Help My Lawn?

The foundation of a healthy, disease-free lawn is great soil, and peat moss is good soil amendment, adding plenty of long-lasting organic matter to open up the structure of the soil, hold water and nutrients, and improve drainage. Be sure to dig it into the soil because a topdressing is ineffective. Peat is acidic, so you may need to add ground dolomite limestone to the peat to raise the pH if your soil is acidic itself.
  1. About Peat Moss

    • Most of the peat moss you'll find for sale is technically sphagnum peat moss, the partially decayed remains of the sphagnum moss that covers very acidic bogs. There are other types of peat, such as hypnum peat and reed sedge peat, but these are not available everywhere. Sphagnum peat has a pH of about 4.0, and is often used as an addition to soils for acid-loving plants such as rhododendrons and blueberries. It is very light when dry and somewhat difficult to wet but holds a lot of water and gives it up to the roots slowly, keeping the ground evenly moist. It is more resistant to decay than manures, so its effects last longer.

    Lawns And Soil

    • Improving the soil before installing a lawn, either with sod or seed, can be a lot of work, but the effects will be apparent for many years. Loose, airy soil with a high content of organic matter encourages grass to put down a deep root system that can access water and nutrients well below the surface. This, in turn, gives the lawn drought-resistance and the density to resist penetration by weeds. Healthy grass is unlikely to be attacked by disease, as well.

    Soil Amendment

    • Before seeding or sodding a lawn, have a professional soil test done to give you an idea of the nutrients that need to be added to the soil as well as the present pH level. Spread 2 to 3 inches of peat moss over the top of the ground, add layers of fertilizer and lime if needed, then till the amendments into the upper 6 inches of soil.


    • After seeding a lawn, the seeds and new grass plants will need to be watered frequently, as much as five or six times a day, to preventing drying. A light application of peat moss, just enough to cover the seeds without totally obscuring the soil, will help keep the ground moist and slightly shaded. Be sure to pulverize any clumps of peat so you'll have a fine, evenly fibrous mulch for your new lawn.