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Should I Roll-Top Soil Before Hydroseeding?

Hydroseeding is used to restore ground cover, moisture and mulch to a bare area. The wet material is sprayed onto a surface, making it easy to apply. The water allows for the transportation of the grass seeds and mulch through the spraying mechanisms, and provides moisture for germination. Also, the mulch protects the germinating seeds from being dislodged due to raindrop impact or wind.
  1. Leveling

    • You can roll the top soil before hydroseeding to level the area for planting. Once the plants are growing and the ground has settled, it will be much more difficult to level. Alternatively, you could rake the area smooth.


    • On especially loose ground, rolling the top soil before hydroseeding will compact the surface and make it a more stable growing area. The surface should not be rolled with a roller too heavy, but one that manages to reduce the amount of air in the soil. If the soil is too loose after hydroseeding, the roots of the grass will be poorly established and easily damaged by any kind of foot traffic.

    Smooth Rolling

    • You may initially level an area for hydroseeding with a smooth-surfaced roller. However, the final rolling of the soil should not be with this type of roller -- as a smooth surface lessens the area and will not provide adequate contact for the hydroseeding process. If on the side of a hill or other steep area, it's especially important not to use a smooth roller as the last roller on the surface.

    Other Rolling

    • Rolling the soil with a crimping or punching-type roller is ideal for increasing the surface area of the soil and providing an adequate texture for the adhesion of hydroseeding on an inclined surface. If you have first used a smoothed-surfaced roller to level the ground, use a roller that textures the soil last.