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Time to Overseed Bermuda Grass

Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) is a warm-season turf grass that is often used as a lawn grass in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 through 10. In the fall, Bermuda grass goes dormant, turning an unsightly brown color. Many homeowners take this opportunity to overseed their Bermuda grass lawn with a cool-season turf grass to maintain a lush green lawn year-round. Overseed Bermuda grass in the fall, when temperatures are consistently between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. In the areas where Bermuda grass grows best (USDA plant hardiness zones 7 through 10), the ideal time to overseed is between September and the end of October.
  1. Overseeding Options

    • Bermuda grass lawns should be overseeded with cool-season turf grasses. Though perennial ryegrass is the most popular turf grass used to overseed Bermuda grass lawns, annual ryegrass, fine fescue, annual bluegrass, Kentucky bluegrass and bentgrass are also frequently used. Cool-season turf grass blends also work well and are often less expensive per pound. Whichever cool-season turf grass you choose, you need 12 to 15 lbs. of seed per 1,000 square feet of lawn.

    Seedbed Preparation

    • Careful seedbed preparation is absolutely essential to the successful growth of an overseeded Bermuda grass lawn. The best time to prepare your seedbed is one to two days before overseeding; this helps to ensure that the grass seed is able to make good contact with the surface of the soil. Rake the lawn thoroughly to remove any debris. Use a lawnmower to cut the grass shorter than you do normally; a height of 1 to 1 1/2 inches is usually sufficient. Rake the lawn a second time to collect any grass clippings and loosen the soil.

    Overseeding Method

    • A broadcast spreader is the quickest, most efficient way to overseed a Bermuda grass lawn, according to the University of Florida Extension. If you don't have access to a broadcast spreader, you can broadcast the cool-season turf grass by hand. Distribute half the seed over the prepared lawn in a single direction using the broadcast spreader or your hands. Turn 90 degrees and broadcast the rest of the seed; broadcasting the seed in two different directions helps to ensure more even coverage. Rake the seeds into the lawn immediately after broadcasting.

    Overseeded Lawn Care

    • Top-dress the overseeded lawn with 1/8 to 1/4 inch coarse horticultural sand or well-rotted compost to help speed up the germination process. Water your lawn for 15 to 20 minutes, twice a day, for seven to 10 days or until the seeds germinate. Continue to irrigate the lawn daily for three to four weeks; apply 1/4 inch of supplemental irrigation each time you water. With proper care, the overseeded turf grass should be well-established within a month. Once established, reduce watering to once or twice per week.