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How Does Weed-B-Gon Affect Grass Seed?

Ortho Weed-B-Gon from the Scotts Co. is a powerful weed killer designed to kill a wide variety of weeds while not killing existing, healthy grass. Grass seeds and grass seedlings are a different matter, however. They are much more fragile than an existing, healthy plot of lawn. Weed-B-Gon is powerful enough to inhibit or kill most grasses that are just sprouting, so it is important that grass seed not be exposed to Weed-B-Gon until the weed-killing chemicals have had a chance to disperse.
  1. Application

    • Apply Weed-B-Gon as per the manufacturer's instructions. Do not apply if rain is anticipated in the next 24 hours and do not water the lawn for at least one day after applying Weed-B-Gon. Do not apply if the temperature is expected to exceed 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Second Application

    • Follow the manufacturer's instructions for applying a second dose of Weed-B-Gon approximately 10 days after the application of the first dose. This allows weed seeds in the grass time to sprout and it allows hardy weeds to show their heads before being zapped a second time. Again, do not apply if the temperature exceeds 90 degrees or if rain is expected within 24 hours. Wait at least one day before watering the lawn.

    Wait 14 Days to Seed

    • Water your lawn as normal beginning 24 hours after the second application of Weed-B-Gon. Rake the thatch from the lawn and then broadcast grass seed on the lawn no sooner than 14 days following the second application of weed killer. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations as per the amount of seed required.

    Fertilize Your Lawn

    • Spread a layer of composted manure over the top of the grass seed, approximately 1/4 inch thick. Composted manure will release its nitrogen contents slowly enough not to harm delicate grass seedling roots. Water the lawn thoroughly -- at least 1 inch of water -- after applying the fertilizer, then water your lawn normally, not allowing the lawn to dry completely for at least two weeks while the new lawn sprouts.

    Mowing New Grass

    • Wait until the new grass is 5 inches high before mowing for the first time. Do not take off more than 1 inch of the new grass with the first mowing.