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When to Cut Overseeded Grass With Straw?

Mulching a newly seeded lawn with straw shades the ground and helps prevent rapid drying of the new seedlings. The mulch also discourages weed seeds from germinating, a major consideration in seeded rather than sodded lawns. The first mowing can be made as soon as the new grass is one-third taller than the recommended mowing height for that grass. Using a mower with a sharp blade is essential.
  1. About Seeding a New Lawn

    • Planting a new lawn from seed is usually less expensive than laying sod, and you have more varieties of grass to choose from. However, initial care of the germinating seed is more critical, weed invasion is a potential problem, and planting times are more limited. Late summer and early fall are often the best times to plant since the ground is warm, leading to quick germination, but the weather is cooler and summer weeds are less likely to be present. Buy the best quality seed of a variety or mixture of varieties recommended for your area.

    Mulching With Straw

    • Straw is light, airy and less inclined to pack down than other mulches and easy to rake off the young seedlings. Peat moss and aged sawdust are not recommended as mulches because they are slow to decay and can compete with the seed for moisture. Be sure, however, to get straw that is free of weed or grain seeds.

      One bale of straw weighing 60 to 80 pounds will cover about 1,000 square feet in a thin layer. If too thick, the straw will shade the new seedlings, causing yellowing and stunting their development. After germination, pull back a bit of the straw occasionally to make sure the young plants are green and thriving.

      The mulch can be raked off your new lawn when the grass is about an inch to an inch and a half high, though it also may be left to decompose.

    Mowing Your New Lawn

    • Different types of grass have different recommended heights for mowing, though 2 to 3 inches is usual. Never remove more than one-third of the leaf blade to keep the grass plants healthy. For a new lawn, let the young seedlings grow a third taller than the recommended mowing height before cutting. For instance, if the recommended height is 3 inches, mow when most of the plants are 4 inches tall. Be sure to use a mower with a sharp blade to avoid tearing and mow only when the ground is firm and somewhat dry, not wet, to avoid compaction.

    Caring for Your New Lawn

    • Careful watering is essential for new lawns. As the seeds germinate, water lightly but often to keep them moist but not so wet that they rot. As they grow, water less often but more deeply. To develop a healthy root system, gradually decrease the frequency of irrigation over the first year.

      Fertilize lightly when grass plants are an inch to an inch and a half tall and then follow the recommendations for lawns in your area after that.