Home Garden

A Comparison of Planting Hydro Seed Vs. Grass Seed

Homeowners have more than one option when it comes time to plant a new lawn or patch up a worn one. Two commonly used methods include grass seed and hydro seed planting. When comparing the two methods, overall costs to plant, soil preparation needs and planting times may differ between regular grass seed and hydro seed planting.
  1. Cost Differences

    • The three main planting methods used to establish or restore a lawn include grass seeding, sodding and hydro seeding. With each method, costs can vary depending on the quality and types of seeds or grass used. When comparing costs between the three methods, grass seeding provides the least expensive option, while sodding is the most expensive. Hydro seeding costs fall somewhere between the other two methods. Hydro seeding involves a spray-on mixture of seed, fertilizer, wood fibers and binding agents, and regular grass seeding only requires the seeds for spreading. The differences in price between the methods has to do with the components that make up each material and the time investment involved with each method.

    Grass Seeding

    • With just the actual grass seed materials to work with, grass seed applications require the most work and upkeep compared to hydro seeding applications. Part of the reason for this has to do with environmental factors, such as rainfall, wind, sun and animals that eat the seed. It’s not uncommon to have to reseed some areas, and maybe the whole lawn in cases where heavy rainfall washes away newly laid seed or birds feed off of seeded areas. Extreme periods of sunlight can also burn up planted areas. Soil preparation before seeding involves weeding and possibly tilling to break up compacted areas. To promote healthy growth, fertilizer applications should be applied when first planting grass seeds and again after three to four weeks, according to the This Old House website.

    Hydro Seeding

    • Hydro seeding mixes can use different types of grass seeds depending on which types work best within a particular region. The wood fibers, fertilizers and binding agents used within a hydro seeding mix allow sprayed-on seeds to bind to soil surfaces and remain intact. In effect, the liquid mix enables seed plantings to form a consistent network of growth within the soil, which aids in moisture retention during dry spells. In terms of soil preparation, the same weeding and roto-tilling tasks required for grass seed planting apply as well for hydro seed planting. Since hydro seed mixes already contain fertilizer, no fertilizer applications are needed.

    Planting Times

    • Planting times for grass seed versus hydro seed pretty much depend on what area of the country the seeding takes place. Planting times for grass seed in particular relies mostly on heat indexes, as high or hot temperatures make it more difficult for healthy growth to occur. Retaining soil moisture levels during the first few weeks is crucial, so anytime before or after the summer season works best for grass seed planting. Hot temperatures also promote weed growth in bare soil areas, so cooler temperatures can reduce the likelihood of a weedy lawn from growing. Hydro seed planting also works best before or after the summer season, though the wood fiber materials contained in the mix help to retain moisture under warmer temperatures and reduce the likelihood of weed growth.