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What Is Lawn Hydroseeding?

To start new lawns, homeowners have three options: seeding, sodding or hydroseeding. Hydroseeding is the application of a slurry mixture consisting of seeds, water, fertilizer and mulch. After a short time and with proper care, the hydroseeded area germinates into a grassy lawn.
  1. Method

    • Hydroseeding mixtures contain wood or paper used as mulch; these materials keep seeds moist. Mixtures also contain resins that bind the mulch. Professionals mix ingredients in a tank and use a hose and nozzle to uniformly broadcast the seed slurry over an area. For smaller patches, consider a home kit for hydroseeding; garden centers sell matted mixtures of seeds and mulch that you can apply by hand. After laying the material, just add water.


    • Hydroseeding presents a number of advantages over seeding by hand or laying sod. It is an effective method for reaching all areas of the landscape, especially those sites that are difficult to reach with seeding equipment. The mulch materials also hold water and promote an environment conducive for seed to germinate quickly. Washington State University points out that hydroseeding is advantageous for growing grass on steep slopes and windy areas, where rainfall or wind would otherwise move seeds from their planting site.


    • The hydroseeding method requires specialized equipment and trained professionals. These factors may add costs to the process. Another potential disadvantage of hydroseeding is that the placement of seeds may not be in contact with the soil, resulting in a dry and growth-limiting environment for some seedlings.

    Care After Hydroseeding

    • After you hydroseed your landscape, the grass should grow quickly, given a good growing environment. Be sure to keep the seeded mixture moist; germinating seeds are fragile and may not survive a prolonged dryness. Young seedlings are sensitive to foot traffic, so steer clear of the growing area until grass is stronger and more established. Maryland Cooperative Extension suggests mowing your new lawn when it grows to a height 1/3 higher than your typical mowing height. Then aim to remove about 1/3 of the growth when you mow.