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Lely Spreader Settings for Seed Application

The Lely WFR/WGR and HR spreaders can broadcast fertilizer, sand or grass seed. Spreader settings vary depending on the type of material being broadcast. The operator’s manual lists output rates for multiple settings when spreading fertilizer of slag, but only gives one setting and output rate for each seed type listed. You can overcome this though with a little weighing, measuring and a simple math calculation.
  1. Seed Type Determines Output Rate

    • Output rate is pounds of seed per acre sown at a particular control setting on the spreader. The type of seed you intend to plant determines what control setting the spreader is set at. Find your seed type in the Calibration Table for Cereals and Seeds in the operator’s manual, then set the calibration stop on the spreader accordingly. For example, the control setting listed for rye grass is 3 on the WFR/WGR and HR spreaders. Set the calibration stop to 3 and approximately 19 pounds of rye grass will be broadcast per acre when traveling at 4.5 mph. The seed will be spread in a 16-foot-wide band.

    Setting the Pattern

    • The position of the fork on the feedring determines if the seed is broadcast symmetrically behind the spreader or to the side of it. The type of seed determines if the seed is broadcast to the rear or side of the machine. Consult the Calibration Table for Cereals and Seeds in the operator’s manual for the correct setting. For rye grass, the suggested setting is III on the WFR/WGR and HR spreaders. This will broadcast the seed out of the back of the spreader with equal amounts cast to the left and right sides of the machine. If it is not broadcasting evenly, adjust the fork position to II to move it to the left, or IV to move it to the right. The HR spreader also has intermediate setting adjustments.

    A Different Output Rate

    • Since the Calibration Table for Cereals and Seeds only lists one output rating for each seed type, it may not be the pounds per acre you desire. You can adjust the output rate on the WFR/WGR or HR by putting a known weight of seed in the hopper and then performing a calculation to determine the output rate. Set the spreader to the setting you think will give the desired pounds per acre. Higher numbers put out more seed, smaller numbers less seed. Drive 300 feet at 4.5 mph. Weigh how much seed is left in the hopper. Measure the width the seed spread on the ground.

    Calculate Output

    • For this example, we want to increase pounds per acres so the calibration stop is set to 5. Fifty pounds of rye grass seed are placed in the hopper and 40 pounds are leftover. The difference is 10 pounds. This is the amount of seed that was spread over 300 feet. The spread width is 17 feet. Calculate the output rate: 43,560 square feet (this equals 1 acre) multiplied by 10 pounds equals 435,600 pounds per square feet. Take 17 feet multiplied by 300 feet equals, which is 5,100 square feet. Complete the equation by dividing 435,600 pounds per square feet by 5,100 square feet to come up with 85 pounds of rye grass seed per acre.