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How Much Top Soil for a Lawn?

Topsoil refers to the upper layer of soil on land which can be anywhere from 2 to 8 inches deep. Topsoil forms very slowly over time, taking approximately a century for every inch. The main composition of topsoil differs with regions but primarily contains organic matter and weathered rock. Though topsoil is natural, it is often enriched and improved with the addition of composts and other soil-improving material. Topsoil is the foundation of all green projects and hence should be of very good quality. For an optimal lawn base, at least 4 to 6 inches of topsoil is required.
  1. Importance of Topsoil

    • The first step when planning to plant a lawn is to make sure that the topsoil is of very good quality. No less than 4 to 6 inches of topsoil is needed for lawns. The existing soil on the planned site should be tested in order to exactly determine the type of nutrients that are deficient in the soil. It is often a good idea to consult a landscape contractor or soil specialist regarding soil quality. The soil needs to have the proper texture and water-absorbent capacity to support optimal growth. Often the topsoil has to be added to the existing site. Any topsoil that is brought in should be tested beforehand. The top soil differs significantly from the subsoil both by nature of its color and nutrient content. Topsoil is often much darker in color.

    Adding Topsoil

    • Often the topsoil on potential lawn sites is naturally shallow or it is eroded by any recent construction near the site. New topsoil has to be brought in to achieve the desired depth. When shopping for topsoil it is necessary to make sure that it has been screened to get rid of roots, rocks and other unnecessary debris. It is also possible to create topsoil with the addition of enough organic matter. But this is often not a very practical idea since lawn areas tend to be very large. It is best to bring in the topsoil from somewhere else. Topsoil should be added in an even layer so that the depth is consistent all across the lawn area.