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The Best Lawn Seed Blends

No single grass seed variety or seed blend will work for all areas of the United States. Because of differing predominating weather patterns, the country is broken up into different regions based on the hardiness of certain popular turf grass seed varieties. Seed blends are simply a mixture of different turf grass species that complement one another and increase germination success in differing conditions.
  1. Cool, Arid Region

    • The cool, arid region takes in eastern Washington, Oregon and California, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming Colorado, all but extreme southern Nevada and Utah (around the Las Vegas and St. George areas), northeastern Arizona, northern New Mexico, extreme northern Texas and Oklahoma, and all but extreme eastern North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas. Lawn seed species that are good for this region include bluegrasses, fescues, rye grasses and bent grasses. Seed blends that incorporate these seed species are also very good and very appropriate for this area.

    Cool, Humid Region

    • The cool, humid region in the west takes in western Washington, western Oregon, and northwestern California. In the east, this region takes in all states from Missouri, Kentucky and Virginia northward. Lawn seed species that are good for this region include bluegrasses, fescues, rye grasses and bent grasses. Seed blends that incorporate these seed species are also very good and very appropriate for this area. Cool areas can utilize the same grass seed species.

    Warm, Arid Region

    • The warm, arid region takes in western California, extreme southern Nevada and Utah (around the Las Vegas and St. George areas), most of Arizona, the southern two thirds of New Mexico and southern and western Texas. Lawn seeds that are great for this region include U.S. Bermuda grass, zoysia grass, carpet grass, bahia grass and St. Augustine grass. Some turf grasses are more popular in certain areas of the region than others. Buffalo grass is an up and coming species in this area.

    Warm, Humid Region

    • The warm, humid region takes in eastern Texas, southern Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Lawn seeds that are great for this region include U.S. Bermuda grass, zoysia grass, carpet grass, bahia grass and St. Augustine grass. Some turf grasses are more popular in certain areas of the region than others. Buffalo grass is an up and coming species in this area.

    Transition Zone

    • The transition zone is an interesting area as far as turf grasses are concerned. The problem with the states that are located in the transition zone is that they take in parts of three weather regions and experience weather patterns that are not completely in line with ideal turf grass conditions. The states that are included in the transition zone experience cool temperatures that are too cool for warm, humid turf grasses and too warm for cool, humid and cool, arid turf grasses. So there is no specific turf grass variety that is well-suited for this area.