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Dwarf Shrubs & Plants

Dwarf shrubs and plants are like other plants, just miniature. They come in may different variations and colors. These shrubs also stay small, usually less than 3 feet tall. Smaller plants are easy to care for because less pruning and other maintenance is needed, making them perfect for someone with a small yard or garden.
  1. Dwarf Murraya

    • Dwarf Murrayas are evergreen shrubs that originated in Australia and Southeast Asia. They flourish in late summer or early fall and produce a pleasant scent from many white flowering buds. The large versions of this plant are usually used as privacy covers for yards, but the small dwarf version is less than 3 feet tall. These plants do need a minimal amount of sun and they need to be covered during the winter months.

    Dwarf Bamboo

    • Dwarf bamboo is a versatile plant that can grow all year long. This plant originally came from Japan and other parts of Asia. The plant stays small and only watering is required. Many people use dwarf bamboo in their homes as decoration.

    Dwarf Trees

    • Dwarf trees are trees that stay small. Some of the more popular are dwarf fruit trees, which produce oranges and other fruits. Small trees have the ability to produce full-size fruits over time. Dwarf citrus trees sprout fragrant flowers. There are also dwarf apple trees and mini pine trees.

    Dwarf English Boxwood Shrubs

    • Dwarf English boxwood shrubs are a great option for creating a path of shrubs in front of a home. These shrubs grow tightly-packed leaves and they are easy to maintain. This is a simple shrub with rounded leaves, yet the shrubs grow in a box-like shape, which is why they are called boxwood shrubs.

    Dwarf Holly Berry Dwarf Shrubs

    • Dwarf holly shrubs produce berries. These berries are not edible for humans, but they dress up the shrub with color. Birds and other creatures do feed on the berries. Some examples are the dwarf winter berry holly, also called red sprite and the dwarf European cranberry bush.