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Perennial Fescue Varieties

Fescue grasses are low-maintenance, slow-growing and shade-tolerant grasses that perform well in regions with longer cool-weather seasons. They are cold tolerant. Perennial fescue grass seed germinates quickly but establishes slowly. Creeping fescue grasses spread by rhizomes. Once established, they form a dense carpet of grass. They tolerate poor soil conditions and require little nitrogen for growth. They are drought resistant but do not tolerate heat. They go dormant when daytime temperatures are over 90 degrees F.
  1. Tall Fescue

    • Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) has a slightly coarse leaf and bunching habit. This perennial fescue grass tolerates heavy foot traffic. Tall fescue is does not tolerate cold as well as other varieties of fescue grass. It is a drought-resistant grass. Its extensive root system reaches deep into soil. Uniform seeding is vital in obtaining and maintaining a quality tall fescue lawn.

    Hard Fescue

    • Hard fescue (Festuca longifolia) is more heat tolerant than other varieties of fescue grass. It performs best with minimal amounts of nitrogen and dry soil conditions. This perennial fescue grass has a bunching habit. It is not a creeping fescue. Uniform seeding is vital in obtaining and maintaining a quality hard fescue lawn.

    Chewings Fescue

    • Chewings fescue (Festuca rubra subp. commutata) has a dark green color. The finely textured leaves result in a high-quality lawn. This perennial fescue grass is shade and drought tolerant. Chewings fescue is not a creeping fescue, so uniform seeding is vital in obtaining and maintaining a quality Chewings fescue lawn.

    Sheep Fescue

    • Sheep fescue (Festuca ovina) is also known as blue sheep fescue. This long-lived, drought-resistant grass performs best in infrequently mowed or naturalized lawns. It is not a creeping perennial fescue grass. Sheep fescue grasses have a blue-green color while others have a powdery blue tint to them. This bunching fescue grass does well when mixed with wildflowers; it will not smother the flowers.

    Creeping Red Fescue

    • Creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra subp. rubra) is one of the creeping varieties of fescue grass. Low quality shady area grass seed mixes often contain creeping red fescue seed. Creeping red fescue does not produce a high-quality lawn. This perennial fescue grass has a vigorous growth habit.

    Slender Creeping Red Fescue

    • Slender creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra subp. litoralis) is not as vigorous as creeping red fescue. This drought-resistant fescue grass tolerates foot traffic and blends in well with other grass seed for use on golf courses. Slender creeping red fescue is salt tolerant and survives in areas where there is de-icing salt runoff or in areas where there are high salt levels in the soil.