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Can I Plant Clover Seed in Spring?

For decades, clover has been considered a weed, and it has been targeted by manufacturers of herbicide. Before World War II, clover was essential for a healthy lawn. Luckily, clover has become fashionable again. Now, it is possible to purchase clover seed at local garden centers. The plant seeds can be purchased by weight and spread over the lawn in early spring.
  1. Seeding Specifications

    • In late winter or early spring, go to the local garden center and purchase clover seed. Some clover comes pre-inoculated, and other types must be introduced to bacteria for better growth. Check with a landscaper or gardener where you purchase it for its inoculation requirements.

      Clover should be planted in early spring. Harrow the ground before spreading the seed. Plant approximately 40 seeds per square foot, which is about 16.5 lbs. of seed per acre.

    Spread the Seed

    • Acquire a seed broadcaster; either a wheeled or hand-held broadcaster will work. Spread the clover seed at the lowest setting on the broadcaster, and avoid walking on the seeded area for two weeks.

    Clover Lawn Care

    • Do not over-seed clover. The plant thrives when mixed with grass, so have a healthy mix of approximately 70 percent grass and 30 percent clover. Following the directions here will give this approximate mix.

      With a hose, lightly spray daily, for two weeks, the area planted with clover seed. After the clover is established, water the turf weekly. The clover will help choke out weeds and improve the soil composition.