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Landscaping Ideas for a Circular Driveway

Landscaping areas around a circular driveway can be perplexing when it comes to selecting plants, figuring out where to place them, and creating balance. Properly done, both the center bed and areas surrounding the drive can give the entrance a striking and elegant appearance. Before sticking plants into the ground, draw up a plan, considering the plants' growth habits, mature size, foliage, and flower color, as well as the environment offered, such as the light conditions.
  1. Create a Berm

    • Adding a raised berm in the center bed area of the circular drive not only creates more privacy, but also gives the area instant height. Creating a mound even 3 feet higher in the center, allows smallish trees such as plumeria, multi-trunk palms, or flowering dogwoods the ability to stand out and be the center of attention. Utilizing flowering evergreens gives the area year-round color.

      Create balance to the berm by staggering smaller shrubs and groundcovers throughout it. Plant your tallest shrubs at the top, graduating down with shorter plants planted around the bottom area. This will give the berm a natural flow and not draw attention away from the central specimen. Use plant species that flower at different times during the year for a year-round display of color.

    Boulders & Large Rocks

    • A simple way to give the central area height and style is by using large boulders or rocks placed into the bed's center. Odd-numbered groupings are usually more appealing to the eye than even. Using three large rocks strategically placed together in the center will draw attention and give a balanced look. Smaller rocks stacked around the bottom areas will give the area even more character.

      When planting, fill open areas between the rocks with soil. You can then place plants with a trailing nature such as ice plant, blue daze or petunias into those areas to trail down the rock's sides adding color and texture. Consider outlining the outer edge along the circular drive with low-maintenance evergreen foliage, such as ornamental grasses like lirope or modo grass. Surround the rocks with shorter plants that will not grow too tall, overpowering them.


    • Use plants that are shorter than the specimen tree so they do not overpower it.

      Using trees in both the circular driveway's center bed, as well as on both outer sides of the drive, creates an instant balance as well as adding privacy. Consider using the same or similar species in all three areas. For example, if using a queen palm in the central bed, use two more queen palms on the side beds, or one similar in appearance and size, such as a Christmas palm. This allows a harmonic and balanced look, as you do not want the two side trees overpowering the one planted in the center bed.

      Complete the bed by mixing small shrubs, ornamental grasses, flowering perennials and annuals throughout it. Always plant your tallest plants towards the center, tapering down to the shortest plants closest to the driveway. Utilize a plant from the center bed in the two side beds to create more balance. For example, if you use golden lantana in the center bed, add some in the two side beds. It will give the area surrounding the circular drive a more dramatic and balanced look.