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The Best Time to Plant Centipede Grass

Centipede grass uses creeping stolons to form dense mats. It does well in infertile conditions and has few pest problems. It is shade tolerant, but does not tolerate heavy traffic, making it more popular for ornamental use.
  1. Propagation

    • Installing sod is one way of planting centipede grass.

      Centipede grass can be planted by seeding, sodding, plugging or sprigging. Some named cultivars are exclusively sodded or sprigged since they will not come true from seed.

    Slow Growth

    • Cold weather stops warm-season grass growth.

      Centipede grass is a slow-growing, warm-season grass that browns in the winter and stays brown until spring. Cool weather reduces the growth rate, so planting should be done in the spring or early summer months, according to experts at Florida's IFAS Extension.


    • Early spring, beginning in March, is the best time to seed.

      Seed in spring through early summer (March through June) depending on climate. Aaron Patton, Extension Turfgrass Specialist warns, "Seeds planted November through February remain dormant and germinate as temperatures rise in the spring. Seedlings from September and October plantings may be too small to survive the winter."

    Sprigging and Plugging

    • Centipede grass plugged or sprigged too late will be patchy.

      Centipede grass is slow to establish from plugs and sprigs. Plant spring through summer (March through August), but the best time is in early spring (March through April) depending on climate.


    • Warm-season sods need time to establish roots and top growth before fall.

      Establishing sod plantings can be done April through October depending on climate. Best months for establishment are late spring through early summer (May through July). There is adequate time to establish roots and put on top growth before cool weather.