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When Do I Plant a Lawn in Ohio?

Creating a lush lawn in Ohio requires planting during the cooler fall season to prevent the blades from drying out. Choose a compatible grass seed for the climate to create a durable lawn that lasts for many years.
  1. Identification

    • Ohio State University recommends planting cool-season grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, turf tall fescue or a fine fescue grass.

    Planting Season

    • According to Ohio State University, grass grows best in northern Ohio when planted from mid-August through mid-September. Sow grass seed in central and southern Ohio from late August through the end of September.


    • Prepare the lawn's planting area in mid-August by tilling the soil to a depth of 10 to 14 inches. Test the soil pH to verify it is 6.0 to 7.0 and make adjustments with limestone or ground rock sulfur as needed.

    How to Plant

    • Pack the soil's surface prior to applying seed in the fall season by rolling it with a water-filled lawn roller. Sow seed with a broadcast spreader set at a seed release of 1/2. Roll the spreader in a north-south direction, following straight lines and repeat by rolling the spread in an east-west direction.