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How Long After Planting Grass Seed for a Lush Lawn?

Moisture is the key to creating a lush lawn quickly after planting grass seed. The seeds needs a sufficient amount of water to germinate. Too much can wash it away or cause rot, and too little will dry it out, killing it.
  1. Time Frame

    • Expect rye grass and fescue grass seed to sprout the fastest. Rye takes five to 10 days and fescue takes about seven to 15 days. Bermuda grass and bentgrass grow in about 10 days. Buffalo grass and centipede grass sprout in two to four weeks, but bluegrass can take as long as one month.


    • Plant a grass seed with a high germination rate for best results. The preferred rate is 90 to 95 percent, but some types will be closer to 80 percent.


    • It will take several weeks after the grass seed sprouts to create a lush, thick lawn. The exact time depends on your specific growing conditions. Continue to water regularly to keep the soil moist until the seed grows in completely. Feel the soil to a depth of 2 inches to determine moisture content. Hold off on mowing until the grass is 2 inches high.