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How Much Top Soil is Needed to Plant Grass Seeds?

Top soil is an essential part of the grass seeding process. It is used to provide a nutrient-rich base for the seed, smooth out the planting surface and help the seed sprout faster.
  1. Considerations

    • Spread topsoil over the planting area to a depth of 4 to 6 inches. Spray it with water until moist to settle it down and remove air pockets. Rake the soil to loosen it back up, then plant grass seeds.


    • Topsoil is useful to prevent pooling or washing away of grass seeds. Spread it in low-lying areas or dips in the yard. This will keep the seed in place and create a level planting surface. Spread just enough to fill the area and rake it until smooth.


    • Grass seed needs direct contact with soil to germinate. It does best when it is mixed with the very top layer of soil. After dispersing it, drag the back of a metal rake over the yard to bury the seed with the top 1/4 to 1/8 inch of top soil. Not doing so may slow down germination and expose the seeds to birds, who will carry them away.