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How Much Grass Seed Do I Need to Cover an Acre?

Different kinds of grass have different growing patterns and that helps determine the amount of grass seed for any sized area. To obtain a lush lawn, it is better to over-seed the lawn than to put down too little seed.
  1. Ryegrass

    • According to Jim Gibbs, microbiologist and botanist, ryegrass for lawns is planted at the rate of 4 pounds for every 1,000 square feet. This would convert to about 172 pounds for an acre.

    Bermuda Grass

    • Bermuda grass is generally planted at 2 to 3 lbs. per 1,000 square feet or 90 to 135 lbs. per acre. For improved varieties, do not exceed 3 lbs. per 1,000 square feet.

    Professional Choice

    • Professionals normally lay down 350 pounds of grass seed per acre, according to Greg Pierce of Lawn Master, Inc. This would be for mixed grass seeds.