Home Garden

How to Lay Sod in the Fall

Laying sod enables homeowners to establish a new, living lawn in a matter of hours. While much of the soil preparation is the same as when seeding a lawn, sodding involves laying large panels of pregrown lawn. Early fall is the best time to lay sod in many northern areas of the country, according to Yardcare.com. The soil is the ideal temperature for root growth, and weeds are in decline. Although it is preferable to lay sod in the fall, make sure that you do so at least five weeks prior to frost.

Things You'll Need

  • Herbicide
  • Tiller
  • Soil amendments and topsoil (as needed)
  • Fertilizer
  • Rake
  • Lawn roller
  • Sod
  • Carpet knife
  • Garden hose with adjustable spray attachment
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      Kill any pre-existing grass or weeds with an herbicide. Use a broad-spectrum herbicide to ensure both weeds and grasses are killed. Read the instructions on the herbicide package and wait until all traces of the product leave the soil before continuing.

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      Remove all large foreign debris, such as sticks, stones and trash from the yard. Till the yard to a depth of 1 foot once all large objects are removed.

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      Add compost, topsoil and any other soil amendments, if necessary. Till the yard again to thoroughly mix the amendments into the soil.

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      Apply a lawn fertilizer that contains high phosphorus levels. Use a lawn roller to lightly flatten the soil after establishing a rough grade with a rake. Moisten the soil once it's prepared, being careful not to affect the levelness of the grading.

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      Buy the sod. Place it in a shady area if possible and plant it within 24 hours of purchase. Unroll the sod if you're not planting it immediately upon arrival, taking care to keep it moistened.

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      Roll the first row of sod against a straight-edged surface, such as a driveway or sidewalk. Lay subsequent panels flush against the previous ones in a brick-like pattern, with the end of a new panel laid next to the center of a sod panel in the previous row. Lay sod perpendicular to the slope of any hills, using stakes or pegs to hold the panels in place if need be.

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      Roll the sod flat with a lawn roller. Saturate the sod after using a garden hose with a gentle spray setting to avoid moving the panels during watering.