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Annual Ryegrass Varieties

Also referred to as Italian ryegrass, annual ryegrass is a popular choice among dairy farmers and beef ranchers. This is because of the rapid rate at which ryegrass propagates and its high forage quality. Varieties of annual ryegrasses are also used by gardeners who wish to plant a short-lived grass as a method of choking out weeds.
  1. Big Daddy

    • Big Daddy is a high-yielding variety of annual ryegrass and is often ready for grazing from six to eight weeks after planting. Big Daddy can be quite useful in feeding dairy cows.


    • Because of its hearty leafs and quick growth, Gulf annual ryegrass is often used by farmers and ranchers for its forage applications. It can also be used in lawns as a filler, for ground conservation and as a way to minimize weed growth.

    Passerel Plus

    • Passerel Plus has been shown in field tests to germinate and grow even faster than Gulf ryegrass. It is planted in the fall for winter grazing and germinates within seven to 10 days.


    • Rustmaster gained its name for its ability to resist rust, the primary disease that attacks annual ryegrasses. Rustmaster is a diploid, a drier-than-usual variety that makes it an excellent source for hay. Additionally, Rustmaster grows quickly and when mixed with red clover will provide quality forage.


    • Fantastic ryegrass is probably best known for its high, early yields. Not only is Fantastic used for hay production and silage, it is a fermented, high-moisture feed given to cud-chewing animals.