Home Garden

The Best Grass Seed for a Shady Area

If your yard gets less than four hours of sunlight daily, grass will have trouble growing. The lack of sunlight reduces photosynthesis, leaving the grass susceptible to stress from cold, drought, heat, disease and wear. However, certain varieties have a better chance at survival than others.
  1. Rough Bluegrass

    • Rough bluegrass seeds grow well in shady spots, germinating quickly and creating a dense turf. Use 1 to 3 lbs. of seed per 1,000 square feet of lawn. However, if the lawn is exposed to salt, drought or heavy wear, bluegrass will not hold up.


    • Fescues may grow slowly, but they do just fine in shady yards. Choose either the red fescue or the sheep fescue varieties. They can both handle cold, wear and drought to a certain extent, but sheep fescue doesn't grow well in hot weather. Tall fescue is good for yards with partial shade. Plant 6 lbs. per 1,000 square feet of planting area.

    St. Augustinegrass

    • Plant St. Augustinegrass grass seed if you're looking for a warm-season grass that tolerates shade well. Use cultivars made for coastal and midland areas.