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What Causes Grass Seed to Germinate?

A healthy and green lawn is a place where your kids and pets can play. Nothing feels better than walking barefoot on your soft lawn on a summer morning. However, for your new grass seed to germinate properly there are certain requirements.
  1. Watering

    • According to the Garden Illinois, moisture is a key ingredient needed for germination. However, too much moisture causes grass seeds to rot. Once you begin watering the seeds, they must remain moist for germination to take effect.


    • Temperature is another important factor in grass germination. Warm season grasses will not germinate until soil temperatures get above 50 degrees Fahrenheit.


    • A third key factor for germination is oxygen, according to Ohio State University. Before the embryo begins to grow, oxygen is needed to break down the food source that is stored in the seed. Using soil that is well-aerated will help oxygen reach the seed easier.