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How to Fertilize Florida Plum Trees

It is important to select a plum tree that is appropriate to Florida's climate and resistant to common pests in the region. Varieties of the Japanese plum species (Prunus salicina) are recommended, such as Gulfgold, Gulfbeauty, Gulfblaze and Hypoluxo in southern Florida and Robusto, Byron Gold and Au Homeside in the north. To ensure your plum tree will last for many years and produce fruit, fertilization is one of the important tasks on your to-do list. You should not fertilize your tree, however, immediately after planting.

Things You'll Need

  • 10-10-10 fertilizer
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      Purchase a package of 10-10-10 fertilizer from your local nursery or plant store. 10-10-10 signifies 10 percent nitrogen, 10 percent potassium and 10 percent phosphorus. Ideally look for a package that says it includes micronutrients, reports the University of Florida.

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      Apply one-third of a pound of fertilizer in late winter to early spring as the first buds begin to show on your young tree. This would be two to three months after planting your tree. Sprinkle or pour the fertilizer around the base of your tree, forming a circle with a radius of at least 2 feet.

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      Apply one-third of a pound of fertilizer two more times during the first growing year, once in June after the tree has fruited and once at the end of August.

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      Continue to fertilize your plum tree three times a year. During the tree's second year provide it with a total of two lbs. For every additional year provide, a total of three lbs.of fertilizer per year.

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      Perform a soil test if you are unsure about your fertilization methods. You can usually purchase soil testing kits at a nursery or hardware home shop. The results will show you if have a surplus or deficiency of nitrogen, potassium or phosphorus. You can make adjustments by purchasing a fertilizer of a different scale.