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When to Plant Grass in Denver, Colorado

According to the Colorado State University, almost anytime between March and the first frost in fall is acceptable for seeding a lawn in Denver, depending upon the type of grass species. Cool-weather grass tolerates a wider season, while warm-weather grass has a narrower window for best growth.
  1. Cool Weather for Cool Season Grass

    • Cool weather is the best time to plant cool season grasses such as Kentucky Bluegrass. The optimum dates in Denver are between mid-August through mid-September. This allows the grass to establish itself through two growing seasons before the heat of summer.

    Second Best

    • March through April is the second best time for planting cool-season grass.

    Warm Weather Grass

    • April through July is best for warm-weather grasses such as buffalo grass. Do not seed after July or if the elevation is above 7,000 feet.