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Types of Shrubs & Hedges

Shrubs and hedges are often used in empty places in the front or backyard to add some texture and color. While hedges are commonly used to create a sense of security or privacy around the backyard, they can also be used to establish clean lines, such as along the driveway or sidewalk. Before you choose a hedge or shrub for your yard, familiarize yourself with the options on the market.
  1. Tall Boxed Hedge

    • The most common type of hedge is the tall boxed hedge. It is frequently seen in backyards, as it often substitutes for a fence to mark and divide property lines. It can also be used in the front yard along the driveway, if the driveway is the dividing line between your property and the neighbor's. The tall box hedge needs trimming on a weekly basis to keep its clean look. If it is not maintained properly, the box hedge can look messy and cluttered.

    Low Rise Hedges

    • Low rise hedges are similar to the box hedge but are kept low cut. For a less traditional box hedge look, cut the hedge down to 10 inches so it simply defines a line but doesn't conceal your garden or yard. You can use creative cutting to shape circles or triangles in the hedge, so it looks modern and artistic. If you decide to cut the hedges in specific shapes, be prepared for frequent maintenance to keep the shapes sharply defined.

    Colorful Shrubs

    • Shrubs do not have to be only shades of green. Shrubs also come in dark red colors and even a bright pink, according to Northwest Garden Plants. If you are looking for a colorful shrub to add brightness and texture to your garden, consider going for the bolder shrubs that consist of one primary color.

    Shrub Topiaries

    • Shrubs can be designed, cut and custom made to suit your specific design. Shrub topiaries can be custom designed and cut in various shapes and patterns, such as circles, spirals or triangles. These shrubs require much maintenance, if you want to keep the topiary lines clean and the designs well-structured.

    Potted Shrubs

    • Shrubs do not have to be planted in a group to provide the coverage and visual appeal for which shrubs are so well known. Smaller shrubs can be planted in pots and placed along a fence or driveway to mirror a hedge. Potted shrubs provide flexibility in terms of location and overall design.