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When to Sow Grass Seed in Virginia?

Planting grass seed in Virginia requires you to determine whether you desire a cool- or warm-weather turf type. Virginia is the cutoff state for planting grass, meaning that both cool- and warm-weather types can grow with the proper preparation.
  1. Facts

    • Plant a cool season grass during the late summer for best results. Warm-weather grasses require establishment from May to July. Planting too early in the spring can cause the grass seed to compete with weeds; too late in the year means the ground may be frozen.


    • Cool-season grasses include Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue. Bermudagrass and zoysia grass are two common warm-weather turf types. Ryegrass can work in both types of conditions, depending on location and grass seed type.


    • Growing a lawn using sprigs, plugs or sod is also possible in Virginia. While this type of planting is quite different than traditional seeding, it typically allows for quicker grass growth.