Home Garden

DIY Hydroseeding

Hydroseeding developed from a need to plant large areas of grass on sloped lands. Today, hydroseeding has become a popular method for planting ground covers of all kinds, including turf grass, lawn grass, pasture grass and wildflowers. In hydroseeding, seeds are combined with water, mulch and fertilizer before sowing. The water stimulates germination, the mulch protects plants during root establishment, and the fertilizer promotes healthy growth. Commercial hydroseeding is often done from a tanker truck, however, for individual property owners planting on a smaller scale, 50 gallon hydroseeders with tanks mounted to hand carts are available.

Things You'll Need

  • Seed starter fertilizer
  • Paper fiber mulch
  • Hydroseeder or seed spreader
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    • 1

      Measure the amount of seed you need based on what you are planting and the dimensions of the space you are covering. Sowing all the same type of seeds or sowing a special blend of seeds are both possible with hydroseeding.

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      Prepare the area by removing weeds, clods and rocks. Till and amend the soil, as needed.

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      Combine seeds with seed starter fertilizer. Use an amount of fertilizer based on the coverage rate indicated on the product label.

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      Add paper fiber mulch to the seeds and fertilizer. In cooler climates, use 3 to 4 lbs. of mulch per 10 square feet. In warm climates, use 6 to 8 lbs. of mulch per 10 square feet.

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      Add enough water to fill the hydroseeder tank, and mix well to create a slurry. Fill the tank with the slurry.

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      Start the hydroseeder. Pull the trigger to release the spray. Apply half the slurry to the entire plot, working in successive rows going the same direction. Apply the other half of the slurry, working in successive rows going the opposite direction.

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      Keep the ground consistently moist for the first week of growing. Gradually decrease watering as the ground cover becomes established.