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Planting Grass Seeds vs. Hydro-Seeding

Sowing seed is the least expensive grass-planting option but takes the longest to produce results.

Hydro-seeding is a method of dispersing a mixture of water, seed, glue, fertilizer and green wood fiber mulch over the yard, producing a lawn fairly quickly.
  1. Preparation

    • Site preparation is important whether you're sowing grass seed or hydro-seeding. Remove debris, loosen up the soil with a rototiller and rake it until it's level. A starter fertilizer will help the seed germinate faster.


    • Mechanical and hand spreaders are available to broadcast grass seed. Fill the machine with half the seed and make one pass over the yard, then move in a different direction, dispersing the other half of the seed. Keep the seed moist until you see grass sprouting. It can take anywhere from 5 to 30 days, depending on the type of seed.


    • Hydro-seeding contractors are the best bet when hydro-seeding because they have the equipment to spray the grass seed over the yard, along with a starter fertilizer that is high in phosphorus. Make sure you keep the seeds moist until they root, which takes about two weeks.