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Growth Rate of Grass Seeds

Grass seed is a cheap way of growing a thick lawn, but it's also slower than laying down sod or spraying hydroseed. Some varieties of grass sprout almost immediately, and others can take weeks to show results.
  1. Time Frame

    • Ryegrass provides the fastest growth, germinating in about five to 10 days. Fescue and bluegrass are both rather quick growers, sprouting in seven days. Bentgrass and bermudagrass grow in as little as 10 days. Kentucky bluegrass and buffalograss are the slowest, needing between 14 to 30 days.


    • To speed up the growth rate of grass seed, opt for a scarified grass seed. According to North Carolina State University, the scarification process changes the seed coating mechanically or chemically, causing it to crack open sooner.


    • Grass seed packaging usually contains information on the germination rate. This is based on testing done in a laboratory. The preferred rate is 90 to 95 percent, but many seeds have an 85 percent rate.