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When to Sow Grass Seed in Massachusetts

Massachusetts is home to cool-season grasses for the most part including bluegrass, fine fescue, ryegrass or blends of these types. The only warm season grass for this climate is zoysia, which turns brown for half the year, during the colder weather.
  1. Time Frame

    • Cool-season grasses are the best bet for most of the state because of the extended cold weather. Sow them in late spring or early fall. Warm-season grasses can grow in the coastal areas because the weather is a bit milder. Planting them in the early summer will ensure the best growth.


    • Ryegrass is a good choice if you want a lawn to appear quicker. The species is known for germinating well and handling a lot of foot traffic. Kentucky bluegrass has soft blades and fescue works well in shady yards as well as sunny areas.


    • While it is possible to sow grass seed at other times, the Massachusetts winter may kill the seed before it germinates. For that reason, wait until the danger of frost has passed in the spring, or sow seed several weeks before the frost is expected in the fall.