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Can You Sow Lime & Grass Seed at the Same Time?

Lime makes for a successful lawn because it raises the soil pH and balances the chemistry. Lime should not be applied the same time as grass seed.
  1. Potential

    • Soil tests will tell you whether your soil needs the addition of lime. Grasses grow best in a pH close to 6.0 or 7.0. Acidic soil cuts down on nutrients, available nitrogen and root development. Lime repairs these issues and adds magnesium and calcium to the soil.

    Time Frame

    • According to Clemson University, lime should be applied at least two weeks before sowing grass seed. It can be applied several months or even a year in advance, however. Lime is slow to react and change the soil so time is needed before dispersing seed.


    • For use in a pasture where there are animals, lime should be applied six months to a year in advance. This gives it time to have a reaction with the soil. When more than two tons of lime is needed, apply half before plowing the field and the other half afterward.