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Good Time to Grass Seed in Vermont

Vermont's temperate weather is perfect for cool-season grasses. Seeding your new lawn at the right time takes advantage of warm spring soil or crisp fall weather while dodging late frosts and invasive spring weeds.
  1. Spring

    • If you prefer spring planting, the University of Vermont website recommends planting grass seed in late April to May. This allows the new seedlings to establish a modest root system before summer temperatures arrive. Planting a new lawn in spring, however, also encourages crabgrass, broadleaved weeds and other warm-weather pests to emerge before your turf can adequately compete.


    • In Vermont, late August and early September are also ideal times to plant cool-season lawns. The cooler temperatures reduce stress on the seedlings, and seeding your lawn in fall reduces competition from annual weeds. Additionally, fall-established lawns are strong enough in spring to tolerate pre-emergent herbicides and foot traffic.

    Grass Selection

    • Before seeding, make sure you have the right seed for the job. A mix ensures your lawn is able to tolerate a variety of environmental conditions. Dr. Leonard Perry, a professor with the University of Vermont Extension, recommends on the school's website a mix of 20 percent named, not common, perennial ryegrass, 30 percent Kentucky bluegrass and 50 percent creeping red fescue.