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What Is the Best Type of Grass Seed for Virginia?

Warm- and cool-season grass types grow well in different parts of Virginia. Cool-season grasses perform best in the Northern Piedmont and western areas of Virginia, where there is a higher elevation with cooler temperatures. Southern Piedmont and Eastern Virginia has warmer temperatures where sturdy, warm season turf grasses grow well.
  1. Warm Season

    • Warm-season grass types go dormant and turn brown during the winter months but will return to green once the temperatures begin to warm. Warm season grasses include bermudagrass, zoysiagrass and centipedegrass.

    Cool Season

    • Cool-season grasses are cold hardy for winter survival during extreme cold weather. These grasses may go dormant and turn brown during the hot summer months but will return to green when the temperatures begin to drop. Cool-season grass options include tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass.


    • Many warm-season turf grasses spread through a series of above-ground runners. These grasses perform best when planted as sod or sprigs in early summer. Supplemental water will help with sod and spring root establishment and lush growth. Cool-season grasses are readily available in seed form. These grasses perform well when planted in early fall or early spring, when the temperatures are cool and moisture is available for germination.