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When to Plant Grass in Denver?

If you are planning to establish a new lawn or simply reseed a few bare patches, timing is an important consideration. You can choose among a wide variety of grasses in Denver, and you may choose to plant your lawn through seeding or sodding.
  1. Varieties

    • In Denver, as elsewhere in Colorado, many varieties of grass are well suited to grow. Most are cool-season varieties, which include perennial ryegrass, tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass, the most widely used turfgrass in the state. Warm-season grasses like buffalograss are also an option, and most lawns actually contain a blend of grasses.


    • Seeding is a relatively inexpensive way to establish a lawn. Seed cool-season grasses in late summer; the best time is roughly from August 15 to September 15. Plant warm-season grasses in May or June. If you are reseeding unhealthy or bare patches in your lawn after the winter, you can do so in early spring.


    • Sod is more expensive than seed, but has an advantage in that it provides an almost instant lawn. You can lay sod any time during the growing season. Avoid planting too late in fall, because roots need to establish before they freeze. And if you sod in summer, water three times per day for the first two weeks.