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When to Plant Kentucky Bluegrass in New Mexico

Choosing turf grasses for New Mexico lawns can be challenging. Many varieties are available, but climate and geographic conditions are not always good for certain grasses. Kentucky bluegrass thrives in parts of New Mexico, and has the best chances of success if established at the right time.
  1. Kentucky Bluegrass

    • Kentucky bluegrass is among the most widely grown grasses in the United States. Like tall fescue and perennial ryegrass, it is a cool-season grass best suited to cool climates, such as are found in parts of New Mexico. It forms a durable turf, and is typically established from seed and blended with other cool-season varieties.

    Time Frame

    • In many areas, Kentucky bluegrass can be planted in early spring or late summer at the beginning of its two annual growth cycles. Spring planting in New Mexico can lead to summer injury, so New Mexico State University recommends planting between Aug. 15 and Sept. 15.


    • Kentucky bluegrass is not an all-purpose in New Mexico, as it is in some parts of the country. Only the cooler parts of the state are suited to Kentucky bluegrass. This grass does not thrive in southern New Mexico.