Home Garden

The Best Time of Year to Plant a Lawn

Planting a lawn is a big job but the rewards can be spectacular. Preparing the site is the most important part of the job. Knowing the right time to plant is second in importance.
  1. Timing

    • Cool season grasses are those grasses that grow during spring and fall, such as Kentucky bluegrass and creeping red fescue. Plant these types of grasses from August to October. Plant warm season grasses, such as Bermuda and centipedegrass, from March to September.


    • The best time to plant your lawn, whether cold season or warm season, depends a great deal upon where you live. Contact your county cooperative extension office to narrow down the time frame for your region.


    • Protect the new lawn from the kids by marking it with brightly colored tape or ribbon. If you have pets, create a wire mesh barrier to keep them off the seedbed.