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Is it O.K. to Lay Sod in Winter in California?

Generally speaking, you can lay sod during the winter in California. However, you must consider location and the grass type. Do not lay sod whenever night temperatures will consistently fall below 32 degrees Fahrenheit for more than a few days.
  1. Warm Season Sod Varieties

    • Bermudagrass, buffalo and St. Augustine are good selections for southern California lawns. Fall and spring are actually the best times of year to lay these warm season sod varieties. However, if you wish to take advantage of winter rains to help establish the turf, you can lay the sod at the tail end of fall and the first days of winter, or at the tail end of winter when spring's warm-up is right around the corner.

    Cool Season Sod Varieties

    • Cool season sod varieties, such as fescue and ryegrass are good California sod choices for laying during winter. They thrive well in the mild Northern California climate, and can adapt to Southern California lawns that receive ample shade during summer.

    Winter Risk Factors

    • Remember, sod requires watering every day for the first 3 to 5 days. If the temperature is too cold, the soil or sod could freeze. Both warm and cool season sods also require a fair amount of sunshine to establish themselves and thrive. Shorter hours of daylight will be hardest on warm season grasses.