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How to Plant Wheat With an EarthWay Planter

The EarthWay planter and garden seeder is designed to ease the process of planting crops with a lot of seeds, like grass or dense flowers. The planter can easily be used for planting wheat, and while seeding large fields is an arduous proposition, the area to be seeded is limited only by how far the EarthWay user is prepared to walk with planter in hand.

Things You'll Need

  • Spade or hoe
  • Beet-grade seed plate (included with EarthWay seeder)
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    • 1

      Dig up the area to be seeded with a spade or hoe, churning the soil in narrow rows to prepare it for seeding.

    • 2

      Line up the slot on the side of the "Beet" seed plate with the notch on the inside of the black hopper at the bottom of the planter. Press the plate into place and turn it toward you to adapt your planter for wheat-sized seeds.

    • 3

      Fill the hopper half to two-thirds full with wheat seeds and wheel the planter to the first row of the area you wish to seed.

    • 4

      Pull the trigger of the planter and slowly walk the seeder down the first row to automatically seed the soil at the right density for wheat.

    • 5

      Wheel the planter down each row to seed the area with wheat, refilling the hopper every three to four rows, depending on the length of the area.