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How to Calculate PLS to Lbs.

Dust, chaff and weed seeds contaminate commercial seed supplies, meaning only a percentage of the product is viable seed. Every batch of seed contains slightly different percentages of viable seed, so an industry standard exists to show how much exists in every batch. Pure Live Seed (PLS), expressed as a percentage, shows how much of the seed is expected to germinate and produce the desired plant. Calculating how many pounds of viable seed are in a given weight of PLS is a simple process.

Things You'll Need

  • Calculator
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    • 1

      Determine the PLS value for the seed. This is printed on the packaging and the seed tag that accompanied the seed. The value is expressed as a percentage followed by the letters PLS. For example, the packaging may have a seed tag that reads, "80% PLS."

    • 2

      Establish the weight of the seed you intend to use. Either physically weigh the seed or calculate the weight of seed required to plant up a given area. Enter this value into the calculator, expressing the weight in pounds.

    • 3

      Divide the value by 100 and then multiply by the PLS percentage shown on the seed tag. The result is the weight of the viable seeds contained within the seed supply. For example, 200 lbs. of 80 percent LPS contains (200/100) x 80, or 160 lbs. of viable seed.