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How to Prepare a Bed for Laying Down Turf

Turf bed preparation involves clearing the site to make room for the new grass. It also requires learning about your soil so you can supplement the nutrients it lacks and adjust its acidity accurately. Your county cooperative extension office performs soil tests. Plan to get one done at least six months ahead of laying down turf. If it turns out you need to apply lime to raise the soil pH, it will take that long for the amendment to take effect.

Things You'll Need

  • Hoe
  • Trowel
  • Plastic bag
  • Shovel
  • Pickax
  • Rototiller (optional)
  • Lime, per lab report
  • Fertilizers, per lab report
  • Compost
  • Rake
  • Lawn roller
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    • 1

      Hoe the bed to pull weeds and any other vegetation. Remove rocks and debris that can interfere with proper root development.

    • 2

      Collect a handful of soil from five areas of the turf bed. Put all samples in the same plastic bag. Submit it to the county cooperative extension service for testing. The lab report will present a pH and nutrient analysis and explain how you need to prepare the soil.

    • 3

      Break the ground to a depth of 4 inches with a shovel and pickax. Rent a rototiller to turn a large bed over.

    • 4

      Broadcast lime and fertilizers as recommended in the lab report. Use the exact quantity stated. Spread 2 inches of compost or other organic matter over the amendments. Till everything 4 inches deep into the soil uniformly. Rake the bed to smooth it out.

    • 5

      Run a lawn roller over the soil surface to firm it and reveal uneven areas. Remove soil from mounding areas and fill sunken spots. Use your shovel to slope the bed away from structures to protect foundations and provide adequate drainage.