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How to Secure Lawn Decorations From Being Stolen

Lawn decorations can turn a ho-hum yard into an artistic wonderland, for the holidays or every day. But the decor is also a prime target for thieves. While any thief who wants something bad enough is going to find a way to take it, you can use some deterrents to secure lawn decorations from being stolen.

Things You'll Need

  • Wire and snips
  • Chains
  • Padlocks
  • Drill and bits for wood, metal, concrete or other materials (optional)
  • Concrete mix and bucket (optional)
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      Secure lights with lightweight wire. Wrap lights as you normally would around bushes, trees and other structures. Cut several pieces of wire about 3 inches long. Use the wire pieces to secure the light string to the branches, fence slats or whatever else they are draped on. Twist the ends of the wire to secure the loop and squeeze with pliers.

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      Secure hanging decorations with wire or lightweight chains. Loop a piece of lightweight chain or heavy gauge wire around the ornament's hanger. Hang as you normally would, snaking the chain or wire from the hanger to the object on which you are hanging it, such as a thick branch or fence post. Drill holes in wooden or lightweight metal ornaments to pass the wire or chain through if you wish to secure the body of the ornaments rather than the hangers.

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      Hook larger ornaments to trees and nearby structures. Loop chains from openings in the ornament or its base to a nearby secure object. Attach a padlock through the end links of the chain to lock the chain in place. Position your lawn decorations so they are near big trees or shrubbery that is tough to cut, fences, porch railings, light posts or other secure objects.

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      Make concrete bases. Weigh down larger ornaments with a concrete base. Prepare ready-mix concrete in a bucket large enough to accommodate the base of the ornament. Stick a lower portion of the ornament into the concrete before it dries. Pack the concrete firmly around the base and allow it to dry. Paint the bucket and concrete to match the ornament, or hide it behind shrubbery or other decorative items. Add more security by drilling holes near the bottom of the bucket before pouring in the concrete and then snaking a chain through the holes after you've poured in concrete but before it dries.