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How to Make a Garden Pedestal From Pavers

Garden pedestals are a solution for boring garden spaces because they add varying levels of height and break up flat expanses. Topped with a crown of potted plants or favorite statuary, pedestals can be a great way to enhance your yard. Unfortunately, professionally installed pedestals can easily cost hundreds of dollars, making the idea itself somewhat prohibitive. But with a few recycled garden paving stones, you can easily and affordably build your own garden pedestal in very little time.

Things You'll Need

  • Spade
  • Hand tamp
  • Level
  • Paving stones
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    • 1

      Dig a flat footing for your pedestal at least 1 inch into the soil. Since no mortar will be used in the construction, a level base is extremely important to prevent sliding and uneven weight distribution. Use a level to make sure the footing is straight, and pack down any loose earth with a hand tamp. For best stability, use 10-inch square pavers or larger.

    • 2

      Place the first paving stone on the footing and backfill all around it with the dug-up soil. Pack the dirt in firmly and double-check that the paver is still level. Tamp down with a rubber mallet if necessary.

    • 3

      Stack the next pavers one at a time, making sure that each paver rests evenly on top of the paver below. Check both the horizontal and vertical levels every few stones to make sure the pedestal is not leaning in any direction.

    • 4

      Cap the finished pedestal at the desired height with a slightly larger paving stone. For mortarless construction, it is advisable to stay under 4 feet high for best stability.