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What to Plant in Concrete Planters

Use concrete planters, with good drainage, for any kind of plant. If the planter is solid, with no drainage, create an attractive display with a series of smaller pots set down into it. Concrete planters work well in wet spots according to United States Department of Agriculture, “Working With Wet Spots.” The concrete will not deteriorate. Because of their weight and durability, they have many advantages over planters of other materials.
  1. Trees and Shrubs

    • Plant contained trees and shrubs in concrete planters. The size of the tree depends on the size of the planter. However, most trees are top heavy. The weight of the concrete makes a stable base for a tree. The concrete also will contain invasive tree roots.

    Rare Plants

    • Protect rare or valuable plants with concrete. The size and weight of the concrete planter will deter thieves, as they are too heavy for someone to pick up and carry away.

    Staked Vegetables

    • You must stake pole beans, peas and tomatoes. The concrete planter is massive enough to accommodate the weight of the heavy plant and the necessary stakes. Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet, “Growing Cucumbers, Pepper, Squash and Tomatoes In Containers,” suggests you place the stakes in the pot before filling with soil and planting.

    Vegetables With Trellises

    • Container grown cucumbers and squash must be near a trellis, since they have no room to spread. A concrete planter is heavy enough to hold the weight of the plant and a trellis. The trellised plants can provide shade for a seating area in your yard.

    Salad Vegetables

    • Grow peppers, lettuce, spinach, radishes, green onions in concrete planters. The planter raises the level of the vegetables above the ground and gives some protection against rabbits and other small animals. You can easily grow a small salad garden in a large concrete planter. The Virginia Cooperative Extension, in “Vegetable Gardens in Containers,” suggests that you plant vegetables that take little space.


    • Herbs grow very well in concrete planters. The planter will contain the roots, which might otherwise overtake surrounding plants.


    • Concrete planters provide more insulation than other materials. This offers protection for the roots, from sudden changes in temperature and from extreme heat or cold.


    • Flowers of all kinds grow well in concrete planters. Vining or hanging flowers may dangle over the sides. Upright and self-seeding flowers will provide color throughout the season.