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Wind Spinner Directions

Many yards and gardens are adorned with colorful decorations called wind spinners. These plastic baubles are used to amuse children and adults, deter birds and wildlife from gobbling up gardens, and even to foretell coming inclement weather. Simple and quick to make from readily available materials, you can make your own wind spinners for your yard with just a few steps.

Things You'll Need

  • Empty two-liter plastic soda bottle with top
  • Colored electrical tape
  • Scissors
  • Cloth tape measure
  • Marker
  • Craft or utility knife
  • Pliers (optional)
  • Large metal paper clip
  • Lighter
  • Ball-bearing swivel
  • String
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  1. Making the Wind Spinner

    • 1

      Rinse out an empty plastic two-liter soda bottle, remove the label, and let the bottle air dry. Save the cap and wash it as well.

    • 2

      Form a striped pattern around the middle of the plastic bottle using the colored electrical tape. Use two or three different colors to create at least six sections of stripes, beginning with the first strip of tape at the point of the bottle where it becomes straight and continuing until the bottom strip is about two inches from the bottom of the plastic bottle.

    • 3

      Make a mark every ¾ of an inch around the plastic bottle on the first strip of tape. Use a cloth measuring tape wrapped around the bottle to make it easier to measure.

    • 4

      Using the craft knife, slit down the bottle from the mark on the top strip of tape to the lower edge of the bottom strip of tape. Do this for every mark you made around the top of the bottle.

    • 5

      Place the plastic bottle upright on a flat surface and push down on the top so that the strips flare outward. It may help to put the cap back on before you push.

    • 6

      Crease each strip in the middle by pinching the plastic firmly between your fingers or with a pair of pliers.

    • 7

      Bend the top of each plastic strip at a 45 degree angle to the right and the bottom to a 45 degree angle to the left. This will help the wind spinner catch the air and spin.

    Making the Hanger

    • 8

      Remove the soda bottle cap and set it upright on a flat, hard surface.

    • 9

      Unbend a large, metal paper clip so that you have a straight wire. Heat the end with a lighter and push it through the center of the plastic soda bottle cap. Move it around a little so the hole is big enough to accommodate both ends of the paper clip. Pull the paper clip back out until the melted plastic dries.

    • 10

      Place the ball-bearing swivel onto the straightened paper clip and slide it to the center of the clip. Bend the paper clip into a loop to hold the ball-bearing swivel in place.

    • 11

      Stick both ends of the paper clip through the hole and twist them together once on the underside of the cap, fanning them out to hold them in place.

    • 12

      Make a loop out of a piece of string and attach it to the ball-bearing swivel so you can hang your wind spinner.