Home Garden

Inflatable Lawn Decorations

If you want to showcase the great work you've done on your lawn this season, you can make the front or backyard even more appealing with inflatable lawn decor. The inflatable accents can serve as a fun finishing touch for your outdoor work of art.
  1. Size

    • The size of the inflatable lawn decor should be relative to the size of your yard. If you have a small space to work with, choose one slightly larger piece to be the focal point of the decor, or select a series of small accents to adorn the yard. For instance, if you want to decorate the yard for Christmas, a collection of small or medium-sized inflatable candles is a tasteful choice that won't seem too overwhelming.


    • You can also select inflatable lawn decorations that have special meaning or significance for your home. For instance, if you've just had a baby, place inflatable letters that spell the baby's name or the word 'baby' in pink or blue. If your son or daughter has just graduated from high school, purchase inflatable letters that spell out "class of (year of graduation)" or "congratulations (name of child)".


    • If you have a large lawn space or live in a particularly windy area, it's a good idea to buy inflatable letters that are heavily weighted with sand or lead. This will keep the letters in place when you're displaying them. And, if you're using letters that light up, be sure to keep the letters and plugs a safe distance from one another to avoid an electrical fire.